*** Treasurer Office Hours *** Mondays 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or by appointment Email: tompkinstownshiptreasurer@gmail.com
***Clerk Office Hours***
by Appointment
Cell: 517-740-2122
Email: Tompkinstownshipclerk@yahoo.com
****Assessor Office Hours**** Every other Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. BY APPOINTMENT or call for appointment other times: 517-888-3057 Email: info@sunriseassessingservices.com
**Please follow the link below for credit card payments**
Burning Permits – Please call Fire Chief Bryon Deraedt 517-795-8874
Rives Tompkins Fire Department has a position available for a Paid On Call Fire Fighter/ Medical First Responder. If interested please contact the Fire Chief, Bryon Deraedt.
Please post your house number in a conspicuous manner so Emergency Providers can find you in a timely manner.
Custom signs available from Supervisor Chuck Woodburn.