Planning Commission
The Tompkins Township Planning Commission shall, to the best of their ability, respect, utilize, and honor our rural heritage and address future needs and opportunities of our community when making plans for township land use. Further, they shall educate current and future residents on their rights and responsibilties of land and property. When dealing with the public, they shall be fair, unbiased, and follow established procedures.
Tompkins Township Planning Commission
Amanda Kurpenski, Secretary
Melanie Curran
Brad Dunlap
Arthur Bamm
Alan Southworth
Scheduled Quarterly Meetings
As posted at the Tompkins Township Hall
Minutes are available upon request
to the Township Clerk, Melanie Curran.
Planning Commission
Approved Conditional Use Permit Oct.2021
Materials for Surbrook Solar LLC
available at the township office.
(link is broken)